Stratser - Make Life Easy!!!

Helps make the world green too!


Stratser Corporation is a conglomerate with its core business in investment holdings, mining and management consulting. For more details please visit About Us


Our Investment Philosophy

We invest in companies and technologies that contribute to the well-being and preservation of the environment for the betterment of the lives on earth in particular for the human race.


Our Operational Philosophy

We use state-of-the-art technologies in our mining activities that seek to ensure minimal disruption to the envrionment and seek to enhance and preserve the envrionment. We also plant greeneries so as to enhance, upkeep and improve the environment or plan redevelopment so as to enhance the value of the land after our mining activities. 


Alternative Energy Source

With the rising cost of fuels (gasoline, diesel, petrol, oil & gas) even electricity generated by these fuels sources are increasing in price isn't it time you switch to alternative sustainable renewal green energies???!!!

 Check out our resources here for wind energy, sun energy, biodiesel - palm, sugarcane and jatropha!!!

If you are looking to convert your home energy source to sustainble green ones we could help get you there with the right kind of products.

If you are looking to make your home energy self-sufficient and make some side income selling the excess to the electrical boards we can help.

If you are a developer doing new development or upgrading your develpment and wants to reduce cost and earn from your own source of energy we can help.



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